Google Calendar Integration

Google Calendar Integration

To use your calendar, you must have Outlook or Google Calendar integrated. If you have already signed up or currently sign in with Google, your Google calendar will already be integrated so you don't need to worry about installing it. This article will cover how to integrate and use Google Calendar.

Integrating your Google Calendar

To connect to your Google Calendar, go to 'My Profile & Settings', click on 'Integrations'.  Select 'See all integrations'.

Select 'Google Calendar' from the list of integrations.

Then click on the 'Connect' button. You will be redirected to your Google login and then back when you're done. Easy as that!
You will also see the 'Change Calendar' drop down at the bottom. If you have multiple Google calendars, make sure you have the right one selected here to pull events from.

Enable Versational access to your calendar, press 'Continue' on the Google button

You should see a verification screen

Using Google Calendar for Versational

Once Google is integrated, you'll be able to use all of the features on the calendar page. You can also associate recordings with your calendar events, even recordings from Google Meet, Teams or Zooms. For more information on what you can do with your calendar, see here. For information on how to associate Google Meet, Zoom, Teams, or other recordings with calendar events, check out our integrations section.

Once you click on the Join Meeting you will activate a Google Meet session on the fly. If you already have a link for your meeting, clicking on the Join Meeting allows you to join a pre-scheduled video conferencing meeting (i.e., Google Meet, etc.).  Please be sure to allow access priviledges if you have not already done so.

Removing Google Calendar

To remove your Google Calendar from Versational, go to Settings > Integrations > Google. Then select 'Remove' on the right. 
Click 'Remove' to disconnect Google Calendar.

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