Now that you have some great insights, questions-responses and highlights of your meeting, how do you share and export them?
There are several ways to share and export. The first is to go to your 'Recordings' table and click on the three dots that appear on each recording row on hover. This will display your 'Actions' menu where you can select export or share.
You can go into a recording itself and click the share button on the top right. This will also give you options to share or export.
You can also use 'quick actions' to share and export the recordings you own. Only the recordings that can be shared will show the share 'quick action' so you don't have to click on every recording to find out if it can be shared.
After you click the share button, the share window will appear. This window will show you the list of Versational users who have access to your recording and identify them as your Team Members or External Users. You can revoke access from any user from this list by simply clicking on the 'X' next to the user name.
Not all team member recordings can be viewed by any other team member. Only shared recordings.
External guest users will only see the recording, transcript and timeline. They will not have the ability to edit any part of the recording.
When exporting, you'll be given extensive options on how you want your file to appear.
1. First, choose whether you would like to export a PDF, Word document, TXT, excel or CSV file.
2. Choose which questions and responses to export.
3. Choose whether you would like the transcript to be exported with speaker names or not.
4. You will have options for how you would like your transcript to appear. Toggling these options will show you what the transcript will look like in the preview below.
5. If you are sending this to clients or outside users, you can turn on 'External Version' for more choices. For insights, this will allow you to choose which insights are exported if some are sensitive. It will also not display any comments on insights. It will make the gem titles more client-friendly, such as changing "Objections" to "Concerns".
6. Choose whether you would like your insights for the recording to be exported in the document. If this is toggled off, you will not be able to turn external version on.
7. Select the insights you want to share or export. Selected insights will be highlighted in bold (such as Action Items in the image below).
When you are done, select 'Export' on the top right.
Your file will be downloaded immediately. Your exported file will display the meeting link (with a password if it is an external version), the keywords, speakers, insights and transcript, if chosen.