Release Notes - Ask AI-Ally

Release Notes - Ask AI-Ally

New Q&A bot Ask AI-Ally

Versational has now launched a new feature that allows users to query a single meeting or multiple meetings for insights and speaker summaries. This new feature is a AI-bot called Ask AI-Ally.
This bot is available on the recordings table as well as the highlight page of a single recording. It currently works on recordings created or uploaded after the 21st of June 2023.

The screens below illustrate how to use the Ask AI-Ally. One thing to note is that the response from the bot is influenced by the nature of the prompt or query. For instance, a generic query such as "What are the security issues in Financial Services" will return a very generic response completely unrelated to the meeting recording(s). However, more specific prompts such as "What are the security issues issues in Financial Services discussed in the meetings" or "What are the security issues issues in Financial Services discussed by Alan in the meetings" or "What was Alan's view about Generative AI in this meeting?" will return responses from the meetings in question.

For a single or across multiple meetings you can Ask AI-Ally to:
  1. Summarise a meeting or a set of meetings
  2. Summarise what a particular speaker said in the meeting or in a set of meetings
  3. Summarise what was said about a particular topic

Here is an example of how Ask AI-Ally works.

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