How do I regenerate summarization if the result is not acceptable?

How do I regenerate summarization if the result is not acceptable?

To begin summarization, click on 'Summarization' above for the transcription in question.

To regenerate, go to your recording table page, click on the AI-Ally icon for the recording in question. AI-Ally will go from red to green. This indicates the recording has been regenerated for analysis by AI-Ally.

Then click on the individual transcript in the recording table.
Wait 10 seconds and access AI-Ally. Ask AI-Ally  to "Summarize this meeting".
AI-Ally is located on the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
To learn more about AI-Ally's generative prompts, go to the Help Center.

Use the 'Copy' icon to copy the summarized result into your desired document tool (google, word, etc.). If this result is not acceptable, frame the question differently and ask AI-Ally to “List the top important things discussed in this meeting.”

The results between the original summarization will be presented differently once regenerated by AI-Ally. A comparison in  is given in the table below.

Table 1 (A Comparison of Initial Summarization Result with AI-Ally Regenerated Response)
Initial Summarization Result
Regenerated Summarization Result

The transcript is about a call where Orega Lewinsky, director of Product Management for the dev section, discussed the progress of the workspace update for GitLab's SAS users. Phase two of the project is almost complete, allowing users to port things from the group level to the project level. The team is also working on moving administrative capabilities to the group level and creating a parity view for group owners. The team is planning to move administrative capabilities to the workspace and has identified user management as the most important feature. Other features like work items and labels are also being considered for migration. The product manager discusses plans to enhance APIs and simplify the value stream management category. The speakers discuss the limitations of GitLab's workspace hierarchy and the potential for introducing teams in the future. They suggest using labels or API data mapping as workarounds. The team plans to focus on project-level compliance features first before expanding to larger units in subsequent iterations.
In this meeting, the product team discussed various topics related to the dev section and workspace updates. They mentioned that they are in the final phases of phase two of the workspace update, which aims to create an instance level for GitLab SAS users. They have already completed phase one, which involved consolidating projects and groups into namespaces. They also mentioned that new features implemented with the new namespace concept will support both projects and groups from the start. Additionally, they discussed upcoming plans for value stream analytics and Dora metrics, including enhancements to APIs, customizability options, and simplification of the user experience. They also mentioned ongoing efforts to move administrative capabilities to the group level and improve compliance-related capabilities. Overall, they expressed excitement about the progress made and the future developments in the dev section.

Third Regenerated Response
List the top important things discussed in this meeting

1. The progress and upcoming features of the workspace update, including the consolidation of projects and groups into namespaces and the ability to port functionality from group to project level.
2. The positive feedback and value of the value stream analytics and Dora metrics features.
3. The plans to move administrative capabilities to the workspace, with a focus on user management.
4. The consideration of custom user roles and granular permissioning.
5. The potential for introducing logic grouping in the workspace or compliance group work.
6. The discussion on unbundling the admin screen and transitioning features to the group level.
7. The timeline for implementing custom user roles and granular permissioning, with an estimate of seeing results by the end of the year.
8. The use of labels as a workaround for different grouping needs.
9. The importance of addressing compliance needs beyond a single project, potentially expanding to the group level.
10. The ongoing research and planning for future enhancements, such as domain verification, custom mobility options, and simplifying the user experience.

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